The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service claims that the United States, together with the OSCE/ODIHR, is planning to interfere in the parliamentary elections of Georgia to prevent the "Georgian Dream" from winning the upcoming elections.

"The Americans have agreed to cooperate with the leadership of the OSCE and ODIHR regarding Georgia," the statement reads. It also notes that "the OSCE/ODIHR will publish an interim report 20 days before the elections, concluding that there are no conditions for holding free and fair elections in the country."

The Russian foreign intelligence service claims that after the announcement of the initial election results, a statement will be issued asserting that the electoral process did not comply with democratic standards. "Washington's plan is obvious and no longer surprising: to provide the pro-Western opposition with a basis for mass protests aimed at seizing power in the country by force," the Russian intelligence service states.

The statement also indicates that, in the current situation, Russia considers it justified to reduce funding to the OSCE to weaken the "destructive" activities of the international organization.

Regarding the alleged U.S. interference in Georgia's parliamentary elections, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service also issued a statement in August , claiming that the U.S. is planning a "color revolution" in Georgia. In response, the U.S. State Department called the accusation a "categorically false allegation." 


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