The US State Department has described the statement from the press office of the Russian Federation's Foreign Intelligence Service - claiming that 'the United States is preparing to organize a color revolution in Georgia" - as a "categorically false allegations" and reaffirms its unwavering support for Georgia in the face of Russian aggression.

In response to's question: "For the second time, Russia has alleged that the U.S. is planning a "color revolution" in Georgia. This reflects Russia's clear interest in the upcoming elections in Georgia. What is your take on this", the State Department Spokesperson's Office stated:

"We have a proud record of working together with the people of Georgia to build a more peaceful, prosperous, and democratic Georgia. The allegations are categorically false.  The Kremlin orchestrated the 2008 invasion and today occupies 20 percent of sovereign Georgian territory, while continuing its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine.  We stand with Georgia against Russia’s aggression"  

At the same time, the State Department, while evaluating the ongoing political processes in Georgia, reiterates its concerns about the anti-democratic actions of the ruling party and calls on the government "to return to the path of democracy and Euro-Atlantic integration".  

"The United States remains deeply troubled by the increasingly anti-democratic actions and rhetoric of the ruling Georgian Dream party.  Statements announcing plans to outlaw the opposition are another such example.  Multiple viewpoints and a multi-party system are necessary for vibrant democracies.  As we have been saying for months, the Georgian government’s actions run contrary to the Georgian people’s aspirations and the Georgian government’s long-stated goal of Euro-Atlantic integration, and are incompatible with the democratic values that underpin membership in the EU and NATO.  We urge the Georgian government to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, stop demonizing its critics and limiting space for dissent, and to return to the path of democracy and Euro-Atlantic integration", - The State Department spokeperson stated to  


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