In an interview with, former direqctor of CIA, General David Petraus said that "the intensity of the strikes by Russia has increased and it's a very serious moment".

"There have been several evenings where it appears Russia has tried to overwhelm the counter-drone, anti-air, and anti-ballistic missile defenses of Ukraine. There have been numerous incidents in which Ukrainians have been killed or seriously injured, and damaged infrastructure is accumulating, so it's a very serious moment. I hope that the US Congress will, in the next week or two, agree on a package of additional assistance, very substantial additional assistance for Ukraine, and that the President will sign that expeditiously and continue the flow of the very important elements, in particular, the air defenses for Ukraine, given what it appears that Russia is trying to do again this winter. There will be further agreement forthcoming, as there is a very strong bipartisan majority supporting additional assistance for Ukraine in the US Senate. There is also a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives. The problem there is that the majority party has such a slim majority. It's in a very difficult place. The speaker of the house, as you may recall, the previous one, was actually essentially in a vote of confidence. He didn't even survive an entire year because of the fragile dynamics of leadership in the majority party in the House. But, that said, there will be an agreement on quite competent in the next few weeks. That will continue this support, and it will be very substantial support; it will also be packaged"-said General. 

During the interview, General also mentioned that "Russia's goals when it comes to Ukraine are not just to hang on to what they have been able to take control of so far. They want to eliminate Ukraine as a sovereign country". 

"Russia once again would like to turn the lights out in Ukraine and force the Ukrainian people to freeze. Russia would also like to degrade the logistics capacity and the military industrial base of Ukraine. They've had some strikes that have done damage in that regard. But again, the Ukrainian counter-drone, anti-air, and anti-ballistic missile defenses have been very, very impressive. However, Russia is pushing very hard in that regard. It's the second winter that they have tried to do that. Let's remember that Russia's goals when it comes to Ukraine are not just to hang on to what they have been able to take control of so far. They want to eliminate Ukraine as a sovereign country. They see it as not having a right to exist. If they were ever able to do that, you can rest assured that their objectives, which include other countries, would love to take control of Moldova. Vladimir Putin is a Moravians-filled revanchist and revisionist. He's been trying to reassemble as many pieces of the former Soviet Union and the former Russian Empire as he can. I don't need to tell that to an audience in Georgia, given what he did in the case of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which took place, I might add, in 2008 when I was privileged to have an entire brigade of Georgian forces serving under my command in Iraq during the surge. Keep in mind that this is an individual who, last century, was asked what the worst day of the 20th century was, the century that included two world wars and the Great Depression. He said the day that saw the dissolution of the Soviet Union. That gives you some insights into his mindset, and that was before it became even more grievance-filled than it was back then. He has a very, very revisionist, revanchist view of history that surrounds Russia, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe"-said General David Petraus. 


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