Ambassador Michael Carpenter, Senior Advisor for Europe at the National Security Council, Michael Carpenter, met with media representatives in Washington DC to discuss the agenda of the NATO summit. In response to a question from regarding the increasing Russian influence in Georgia and China's clear interests in the region, the diplomat shared his perspective on Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration process. He also evaluated the decision of the United States to postpone the most important military exercises for Georgia indefinitely. Ambassador Michael Carpenter stated that "the Georgian government is moving in the wrong direction in terms of Euro-Atlantic integration". 

"A lot of our cooperation with Georgia right now is under review, including the Noble Partner exercise and other engagements that we have with the Georgian Government.  It’s clear that over the course of the last few months, sadly, the Georgian Government has moved in the wrong direction in terms of its Euro-Atlantic integration prospects.  We have long supported Georgia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders.  We have participated in upwards of 60 rounds of the Geneva international discussions to support Georgia. So it is with some concern and sadness, frankly, that we see this move in the other direction.  But frankly, when we see harassment of civil society, when we see laws being passed that limit the space for fundamental freedoms in Georgia, that’s not compatible with the values that undergird the NATO Alliance, nor, frankly, do we think it’s compatible with Euro-Atlantic integration writ large, including the EU. So we hope to see a change in direction, strategic direction, from the Georgian Government.  But right now all of our programs with Georgia are under review"- said the Senior Advisor for Europe at the National Security Council, Michael Carpenter. 

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