In response to the question sent by to the State Department, "The protests of the Georgian people against the Russian bill continue in Georgia; however, it became known today that the Georgian Government is taking countermeasures. The importance of timely sanctions has been repeatedly mentioned. Why don't you act now before it might be too late?" the State Department sends an official letter on behalf of the spokesperson: 

We are deeply troubled that this draft law passed in the first reading. The United States remains deeply concerned that, if enacted, this draft legislation would stigmatize civil society organizations working to improve the lives of Georgian citizens and media organizations working to provide information for Georgian citizens. These are the cornerstones of any democratic system. We are closely monitoring protests. We call on all parties to respect freedom of peaceful assembly, exercise restraint, avoid any escalatory or violent actions, and respect the rule of law. We urge the Georgian government to heed warnings that this bill is not in line with the European Union’s norms and values and would negatively impact Georgia’s progress on its EU path. Where Western partners and friends of Georgia have said they have serious concerns about this legislation, Georgia’s occupiers in Russia have welcomed it. This should give great pause to the Georgian government and the Georgian people. We always maintain the right to use sanctions as a tool. We do not preview sanctions, nor do we rule sanctions out. 


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