At the Munich Security Conference, Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen responded to former US President Donald Trump's remarks about NATO, noting that Congress passed legislation last year that does not allow a president to discuss the country's withdrawal from NATO without the support of two-thirds of lawmakers.

"One of the things that Congress did last year was to say that the president cannot unilaterally pull the United States out of NATO; it requires a two-thirds vote of Congress. That was done directly in response to concerns about what would happen if future President Trump got elected and started talking about pulling us out of NATO. So there are things that a president can do that would weaken the US participation in NATO, but my assumption is we have a strong bipartisan effort in Congress in support of NATO. This is, I don't know, maybe my 10th time at this conference, and every delegation has been bipartisan. It has been an effort to convey to this conference and to the United States back home that we stand together in support of the aspirations that are discussed at this conference. So I think it's important to make that point", - Senator stated.

Senator Shaheen also spoke about the presidential elections scheduled for November and said, "As a Democrat, I think Donald Trump is a dangerous leader."

"The other thing, however, is that we are all in democracies, and we know that you can't control what people are going to do in an election. One of the people we've quoted frequently in the last two days is Winston Churchill, who said, "The Americans will ultimately do the right thing after they've tried every other option." I am a Democrat. I'm obviously not going to support Donald Trump, because I think he was a dangerous leader, particularly in his last time in office. I was there on January 6 when he encouraged a mob to attack the Capitol and refused to facilitate the peaceful transition of power that is critical in a democracy. So I think it's important to educate people about that and to say, in a democracy, that's not the way we behave. We believe in the rule of law. We believe in human rights. We believe in the ability to have free and fair elections, and we don't believe in an autocrat staying in power and refusing to give it up after a free and fair election", - Said Senator Shaheen. 


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