U.S. military forces struck more than 85 targets, hitting facilities such as command and control operations, intelligence centers, rockets and missiles, and drone storage sites, according to the US Central Command. 

"This past Sunday, three American soldiers were killed in Jordan by a drone launched by militant groups backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).  Earlier today, I attended the dignified return of these brave Americans at Dover Airforce Base, and I have spoken with each of their families. This afternoon, at my direction, U.S. military forces struck targets at facilities in Iraq and Syria that the IRGC and affiliated militia use to attack U.S. forces. Our response began today.  It will continue at times and places of our choosing. The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.  But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond", - President Joe Biden said in a statement. 

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