In an interview with the French publication Le Figaro, the President of Georgia, Salome Zourabishvili, stated that she is ready to take responsibility, including a second presidential term, to return Georgia to the European path. 

"I am prepared to take on great responsibility, including a second term, to return Georgia to the European path. If the charter I proposed comes into force, I am ready to negotiate with our European partners," noted the President of Georgia. She added that Georgia is facing an existential choice: on October 26, either the parliamentary elections will lead it toward its European future, or it will revert to serving Russia, under a regime modeled after Putin's. 

"I will not make any predictions; it is not my role. However, what I can say with certainty is that the future stability of the country depends on the clear victory of the pro-Western opposition on October 26. I am trying to explain this to the political parties: now is not the time for rivalry. This opposition could not unite in the recent past, but they may be united enough around the European idea to secure 50% or 60% of the votes. The ruling party has been weakened after the spring protests. According to the polls, they cannot garner more than 25%. The "Georgian Dream" had to revise its logo and chose a symbol that combines its logo with the European flag. For centuries, our country has carried the European future in its culture and values. In 1991, after gaining independence, the process became political, and different governments of Georgia worked on rapprochement with Europe. In 2014, the association agreement was signed. The paradox is that Georgia has never been so close to Europe, yet this is the moment chosen by certain forces to sever this deep aspiration of ours. The awareness of the historical nature of the moment is so strong that, as statistics show, the number of young people leaving the country decreased in the first six months of 2024; they know they must fight here to ensure that Georgia does not miss its European destiny. This election will be a referendum on the European future of Georgia," the President of Georgia said in the interview.

The President of Georgia spoke at length about the Russian law and how it is similar to the law by which Putin subjugated civil society.

The "Foreign Agents" law was not called the "Russian law" for nothing: it was with this law that Putin subjugated his civil society, and the actions taken by the Georgian authorities are perfectly consistent with what Putin is doing. The Georgian government is trying to cut off the country from Europe and place it under Russian protectorate. Last spring, during mass demonstrations, the population rejected this law and the direction it represents, which they are trying to avoid. Now they must prove this at the elections," said Salome Zourabishvili.

In response to a journalist's question about what she expects from France and the European Union, Salome Zurabishvili answered that "she is not very much in favor of sanctions."

She stated that what the Georgian government is doing is against the European path. This is evident in the repeal of the "Foreign Agents" law and other legislation. "I am not very much in favor of sanctions, as they may be interpreted negatively by the population. However, it is important to announce what will happen after the elections if the pro-Russian orientation is confirmed," said Salome Zourabishvili.


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