The President of Georgia has officially scheduled the parliamentary elections for October 26, with the pre-election campaign commencing today. During the briefing where the President signed the decree, Salome Zurabishvili referred to the upcoming elections as a "day of salvation."

"Today, we are not dealing with ordinary elections, in which citizens choose the political force that aligns with their worldview; rather, we are faced with saving the future of the country. Our choice is existential. This decision will determine the fate of the country for many years. Therefore, as the president, I have a say regarding these elections. If this were a normal election—a competition among different political forces—I would have nothing to say. The President also spoke about Bidzina Ivanishvili, stating that the founder of "Georgian Dream" and currently its honorary chairman addressed the people in a war speech on April 29. 

"On April 29, Bidzina Ivanishvili addressed us with a war speech, declared war on his own people, the youth and the patriots of the country inside the country, and on our loyal partners outside. Either there will be a European democratic, free, and dignified future, or we will return to the past—in the hands of Russia, which shows its cruelty and ruthlessness day by day. The choice is truly between Russian ruthlessness and Georgian tolerance. Every day, Georgia exemplifies this tolerance, even in front of Russian tourists. There is a choice between revanchism and mistrust, and human rights protected by the court," said the President of Georgia.

According to her, during the election campaign from Mtskheta, "Georgian Dream" "promised a one-party and one-person dictatorship."

"They have painted for us a future Georgia where a handful of people will have all the rights, while the others will have the right to leave the country. We will face a choice between Russian slavery and cooperation with Europe. To submit to Russia at the cost of unworthy compromises and effectively sell our souls, or to present ourselves as an equal country in Europe—there, our name matters. Taking away our land, history, and opportunities, this election will not be held again in a free and peaceful environment! There is no government that can go against the people and win. If everyone understands the responsibility and if society is fully mobilized, then the votes, stability, and future will be completely protected," the President said at the briefing, adding that "we must prepare for choices that will be equivalent to a referendum—Europe or Russia."

The President also spoke about the election message of "Georgian Dream," that certain forces appear to be interested in war in Georgia, and that Bidzina Ivanishvili is a guarantee that war will not occur in the country. 

"They want to convince us that it will be a choice between war and peace. This is a lie, because the danger of war cannot be prevented by elections, and no one ever chooses war. Today in Georgia, no one wants war, and no one is preparing for it. Isolation, internal conflict, and the blurring of priorities and goals only increase the enemy's appetite and the danger of war. Instead, courage, unity, and clarity with friends and enemies are the best defenses for the country's security," the President of Georgia said at the briefing.

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