According to Georgia's Prime Minister, Irakli Kobakhidze, banning the "United National Movement" is a crucial step for Georgia to continue its smooth progress toward European Union integration. In response to a journalist's question about whether the mandates of "National Movement" deputies entering Parliament would be canceled if the ruling party discussed banning the party, Kobakhidze stated: 

"According to our current constitution, only the Constitutional Court can cancel mandates. I believe that banning the party will logically lead to the cancellation of mandates as well. Members of a criminal political force should not be allowed to hold the status of Parliament members in Georgia. Therefore, it would be a logical continuation. The Parliament will remain democratically elected, where "Georgian Dream" will hold a constitutional majority."

The Prime Minister also referenced Moldova as an example in his remarks.

"The Parliament of Moldova is practically a one-party system today, but no one talks about it. Nothing is done in such a situation. While the Parliament of Moldova operates as a one-party system, everyone still welcomes it. The same will happen in Georgia. The same standard should apply to all candidate countries, both in Moldova and in Georgia. I believe that banning the UNM is a crucial condition for Georgia to continue its progress toward European Union membership. The representatives of the collective UNM organized efforts to prevent the country from receiving candidate status. You may recall that we previously failed to convince any opposition force, including the puppet Salome Zurabishvili, that the country deserved candidate status. Once the collective "National Movement" is banned, the obstacles to the country's European integration will be removed immediately," Irakli Kobakhidze told the media.


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