The leader of the "For Georgia" party, Giorgi Gakharia, reiterated at a meeting with voters during the pre-election campaign that the economy in Georgia is indeed growing, although "the increased wealth is concentrated in the pockets of about 25-30 families who are close to the "Georgian Dream". 

"The political force that came to power in 2012 with the slogan of justice and dignity is now mired in corruption and nepotism. While we were fighting corruption every day, today the "Georgian Dream" and its political elites are fighting for the right to corrupt practices. Currently, "Georgian Dream" is synonymous with corruption and nepotism, which is evident every day. Talented young people cannot find jobs or receive a proper education because their opportunities have been taken by someone's relatives. Corruption destroys any possibility for the country's development; it is the foundation of injustice, which is why young people are leaving Georgia. We must all unite to defeat corruption and nepotism. We are told that the economy is grwoing, and indeed it is growing, but this increased wealth goes into the pockets of 25-30 families - those who are close to the "Georgian Dream". I promise you, we are the political force that will defeat corruption and nepotism and recover every lari stolen from the budget—the people's money—from those gentlemen. Otherwise, we will not be able to build a decent and strong Georgian state," Giorgi Gakharia addressed the voters.

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