The "Georgian Dream" party has released another pre-election statement. In a four-point explanatory letter, it outlines why the ruling party needs to regain a constitutional majority after the October elections. One of the key promises is to declare the National Movement and its "satellite or successor parties" unconstitutional.

"First of all, we need to obtain a constitutional majority in order to qualitatively improve the political system, which cannot be achieved without removing the collective "National Movement" from politics. As soon as we secure the constitutional majority, we will initiate a legal process to declare the "United National Movement" and all its satellites or successor parties unconstitutional," the ruling party's political council stated. The statement also addresses "external factors," noting that "considering these external influences, it is essential for "Georgian Dream" to obtain a constitutional majority in order to address the UNM.

In the second paragraph, the Georgian Dream party discusses "pseudo-liberal ideology," assuring voters that the draft law "on family values and protection of minors," which has already been initiated in parliament, will be incorporated into the constitution.

"After the adoption of this constitutional law, we will ensure that no one can legalize the so-called same-sex civil partnership, allow the adoption of children by same-sex couples, or permit gender reassignment operations. We will also prohibit the legal recognition of any gender other than male and female, as well as pseudo-liberal propaganda in educational institutions or the mass media. The propagation of such ideologies and other vices has already led many countries to very serious consequences," the statement concluded.

Regarding the third point, "Georgian Dream" discusses restoring Georgia's territorial integrity. They state that "if the territorial integrity of Georgia is to be restored peacefully, it will be necessary to amend the Constitution of Georgia to align the governance system and territorial arrangements with the new reality. Given that events surrounding Georgia are developing very dynamically, we must be prepared for such a situation at any time."

In the letter from "Georgian Dream," the fourth point is kept confidential, stating that "there is another, fourth issue, the regulation of which by the constitution can be of great importance for the protection of Georgia's identity and national values. However, consultations on this issue are still ongoing." According to the political council of the ruling party, a position on this issue, which remains unknown to the public, is expected to be announced by the end of the month.


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