On May 31, the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania in Georgia, Andrius Kalindra. According to the official press release of the MFA, the Ambassador was summoned “regarding the ongoing processes in Georgia and Lithuania’s position and actions on the Transparency Law.”

Two days ago, on May 29, the Lithuanian MFA summoned Georgian Ambassador Salome Shapakidze after Georgian Dream overrode the presidential veto and finally adopted the law on foreign agents.

The official press release of the Georgian MFA says: “The Georgian side explained to the Ambassador that the recent statements made by the Lithuanian officials, as well as the participation of the Lithuanian Foreign Minister in the protest rally, and also the summoning of the Georgian Ambassador by the Lithuanian MFA over the adoption of the Transparency Law constitute a gross interference in the internal affairs of the country and are not in line with the traditional friendly and partnership relations between the two countries.”

According to the Ministry, during the meeting “the sides expressed their hope to return the relations between the two countries to the positive agenda and readiness of the foreign ministries of the two countries to continue cooperation on the current agenda.”

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