126 public and media organizations call the public to gather on Republic Square on April 28, at 19:00. As stated in the joint statement, "Public and media organizations are suspending cooperation with the authorities until the Russian law is enacted."

"Signatory organizations:

We stop cooperation with the government until the government declares the "Russian law";We declare that we will never, in any way, register in the defamatory registry;We invite everyone to gather on Republic Square on Sunday, April 28, at 19:00, against the Russian law. We also invite everyone to attend if a second plenary discussion is scheduled.By breaking the word and reconsidering the Russian law, there is no doubt that the government is leaving the constitutional framework and changing the foreign course of the country. This is a betrayal of the steadfast will of the Georgian people. There is no social stratum, professional or public group that has not asked the authorities to recall the Russian law in the past days. Scientists, students, doctors, representatives of culture and sports, winemakers, entrepreneurs, farmers and other groups stand together today on the right side of history.

Also, according to all international partners: the European Union, NATO, the United Nations, the Council of Europe and friendly countries, the Russian law separates us from the European Union. Reviewing and adopting the Russian law is an anti-constitutional step that affects all citizens, kills Georgian democracy and leaves us face to face with Russia.

Therefore, we refuse to: a) participate in meetings with government representatives; b) on work in working groups and advisory councils c) on coordination with the authorities in international or other work formats.

We work only for people. We serve only the people and will continue to work to protect the rights of children, women, workers, the disabled and other vulnerable groups.

It is 80% of these people, especially civil servants, who support and work for Georgia to become a full-fledged member of the European Union. The Georgian Dream forces these people, against their will, to participate in the government's Russian march planned for April 29. With the government's Russian march, the government is trying to return us to the past, while our future is in Europe. The authorities are confronting their children, future generations, civil servants and the overwhelming majority of supporters of the European future of this country.

The answer of us and the Georgian people is:

We will never live by Putin's rules. Russian law will never be the choice of the Georgian people.

Yes to Europe! Not the Russian law!

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