In Washington DC, Georgian citizens held a protest rally against the Russian law at the Georgian embassy in the US. According to them, they could not even imagine that after a year, they would have to protest again against the draft law presented to the Parliament of Georgia.

"Today I stand at the embassy because they represent the Georgian government in Washington DC, which acts against the will of the Georgian people and all our partner states. They do not take into account the opinion and demands of the Georgian nation. This law will take us away from our historical goal - become a part of the West. Even those citizens who may support the "Georgian Dream" but also truly want to become members of the European Union should raise their voice and protest against what the government and the ruling force are doing today," says immigrant Nikoloz Anasashvili.

Nino Paichadze, a Georgian emigrant living in Washington DC, notes that today the statements of the Georgian government are in absolute contradiction with the interests of Georgia and the Georgian people. 

"We are against the Russian law, the purpose of which is to uproot the rights of every citizen. The objective of this law is to try to erode the norms of democracy and the civilized world in Georgia. This government's attempt indicates that they have chosen the path towards Russia. Logically, this is in direct contradiction to the West. Even with the documents and agreements signed by this government, their words and actions contradict the interests of our Georgian people. The Georgian embassy here in Washington DC does not listen, although it will require more effort from us. We will never conform to Russian laws and the Russian regime in Georgia," said immigrant Nino Paichadze in a conversation with

Georgian immigrant Nino Bobghiashvili also believes that today the Georgian government does not listen to the voice of the Georgian people and betrays the European choice of the citizens: "For several days, it has been absolutely clear that this is a Russian law, approved only by Russia, and poses a threat to Georgia's future. However, the government does not care about us. They do not heed the voice of our Western partners, who should ultimately endorse and accept us into the European Union. With the Russian law and the norms approved by Russia, we will never be able to join Europe, and at this historical moment, the Georgian government directly betrays the Georgian people. That's why we are impatiently waiting for the elections". 

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