The Georgian Parliament, in the first reading, adopted the Russian draft law with 83 votes. Despite the three-day large-scale protest and harsh assessments of Western partners, the ruling party is still trying to declare it as legislation of European standards.

Politicians, civil activists, non-governmental organizations, journalists, actors, and sportsmen are protesting the adoption of the Russian law. There is no field left whose representatives are not calling on the ruling party to refuse to approve the Russian law in the parliament.

A similar bill was adopted by "Georgian Dream" in March 2023; however, after protests, the bill was thrown out in the second reading. After that, the government promised the people that they would not return to this law. However, exactly one year later, the same law, with a changed name, was initiated again. On April 16, in front of the parliament, the special forces physically assaulted the participants of the rally against the law and arrested about 30 people. 

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