Organized by civil organizations, thousands of citizens are protesting against the Russian law at the Parliament of Georgia. Rustaveli Avenue is completely blocked due to the large number of protestors.

"These people are united around the idea of the European Union, and the Georgian Dream does not want that. They can enjoy the circus that is going on inside the parliament; they can enjoy the little power they have within the walls of the parliament, but they have no power outside the parliament. Here we stand, citizens who are the source of power and show that we are the real power; we define how we want to live in the country, not those who only know how to turn off the microphone in the parliament. We decide that we don't want the Russian law," said Nika Simonishvili, one of the rally participants.

"We will meet in the European Union", "nothing will work against the protest of young people", "we will never enter into an alliance with the Russian authorities", "no Russian law" - these statements are heard in the parliament.

It should be noted that the action at the Parliament of Georgia - "No to the Russian Law" took place throughout the day, parallel to the discussions in the Parliament.


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