The President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, noted that the ruling party "Georgian Dream" is already a "Russian dream" and that she is fighting so that "Russia will not be able to enslave Georgia."

"What I don't have to explain is that I haven't changed. I'm fighting for Georgia to become European, so that Russia can't enslave Georgia, and I didn't think I'd be around when this attempt would be renewed. I haven't changed, but it has changed. Or the government, the majority, this party was exposed. Because it is the party that introduced European integration into the constitution. At that time, I was thinking, what is the need for this in the constitution, we are going this way, why do we need to write it down, and suddenly, this government successively takes such steps. It accelerated after the war in Ukraine, but it started after the Charles Michel document was thrown out. First I think it was to maintain power and that was the main motivation in Ukraine after the war, their total change is caused, I am totally convinced of that today, but it was a process of Russia's pressure, which has increased and increased and increased. Now we are at such a crossroads and in such an either-or situation that what is required of the president... Today, thinking about the state means thinking about independence and preserving this path, the path of Europe," said the President of Georgia.

According to her own statement, it is in Russia's interest to inflame the conflict between Georgia and Ukraine.

"Who wants to weaken us? Who wants us and Ukraine to collide? Furthermore, who does not want Georgia, which is currently followed by Armenia, to enter the European Union at an accelerated pace, a pace that no one had ever dreamed of. The ambassador of the European Union came forward yesterday and told us, "the door is open, come in". The German ambassador recently informed us that we have every chance to begin these negotiations by the end of the year. When I became president and was asked about my dream, I said, "my dream is for the country to join the European Union and NATO," but in reality, my dream was for some steps to be taken. The upcoming elections will be decisive for our partners. They have the power to block things in our country, but they will not block anything from our country, from our society, before the elections! Therefore, we must continue until October 26th. Everyone bears a significant responsibility to fulfill their role, to carry out this responsibility to the end, because Russia's plan is precisely that – to provoke attack, chaos, and destabilization. Subsequently, they will shift blame onto me, onto you, onto everyone except themselves, but that is rather convenient. Let us not overlook the fact that numerous Russians have entered this country, and they are completely uncontrolled," President Zurabishvili stated.

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