The Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, at a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Georgia, called on the Georgian side to take into account the critical position of the European Union and the people of Georgia and refuse to accept the Russian law.

"We, like the whole European Union, are very critical of the draft law on so-called agents. After the adoption of this draft law was stopped, we very much hoped that it would not be on the agenda again. The draft law has not changed; in fact, it is the same as last year. We hope that the Parliament of Georgia will take into account our critical position and that of the people of Georgia and will not adopt this law. In our conversation, I once again emphasized the importance of civil society, as well as the cooperation of the opposition and the government, which is very important for the development of society," said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. 

During the press conference, "Imedi" TV journalist Keti Kardava asked why European partners are concerned about Georgia introducing similar regulations when a similar law is being considered in the European Union. The Chancellor responded that there is no similar legislation in the European Union.

"The European Union does not have similar legislation. There is a discussion about establishing transparency in various areas, but this is a completely different concept. It has not been decided yet, and most likely, it will not be decided," stated Olaf Scholz. He added that Hungary adopted a similar regulation, but the European Court annulled it.

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