European Union Ambassador to Georgia Paweł Herczyński said that it is a paradox when mixed messages are sent from Tbilisi to the EU under the conditions of an open door from the EU.

"European leaders have collectively taken a brave decision. Personally, I was very surprised that they took this decision, because I myself have been a participant in countless discussions where, unfortunately, for a very long time there was no agreement between first 28 and then 27 Member States to open the door to another enlargement. This year we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the last enlargement and I want to tell you that it was a shock for the EU, it took us a long time, we had to accept 13 new members who joined us, there was no mood for a new enlargement. And your colleagues from the Western Baltics can tell you loud and clear how disappointed they were after years of waiting for the EU to finally get to the point where we are now. Georgia is one of the 10 candidate countries, some of them are moving forward quickly, negotiations have already opened with some of them, Georgia has all the elements, all the ingredients to be as successful as these countries, even more successful than these countries. 85-90 percent of Georgian citizens support this direction. All political parties of Georgia represented in the Parliament of Georgia support this direction, and it is a great paradox that when the door is wide open, confused signals are coming from Tbilisi. In the past, the door was closed and the Georgians were the first to knock on the door and ask for it to be opened, and sometimes the diplomat of my country and then the representative of the European Union were ashamed that the door was closed, that we could not agree on opening the door. Now the door is wide open and what do we have - hesitation, second-rate thoughts, different opinions. You have to decide, but now is the time and time is running out. Because others are moving forward and I sincerely advise you not to waste this time. And that's my message to everybody, every time I get a chance to talk to the media, that's my message - don't waste your time. On our side, the door is open and will remain open, we are patient and understand that sometimes it is difficult, sometimes there is confusion, that sometimes reflection and discussion are needed, have at it. Georgia is a candidate country for EU membership, the door is open, we are waiting for you, please use this opportunity", Paweł Herczyński said.

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