"No union is worth giving up the interests of my country and people," said Kakha Kaladze, the Mayor of Tbilisi and General Secretary of the "Georgian Dream" party, in response to the criticism from the West regarding the Russian law.

Natia Mezvrishvili, the leader of the "For Georgia" party, responded to his statement on social networks with the following statement: "An unprincipled person like you cannot decide whether we will be in Europe or not. It is ridiculous to speak on behalf of the people when you do not even have control over yourself to the extent that you initiated a confrontation in football, which is an integral part of your life. At most, you should decide within your family whether you will cut your hair, dress up, and drink coffee in Europe. And if so, keep going, Europe will easily decide for you," wrote Natia Mezvrishvili.


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