According to available information, the draft constitutional law prepared by the majority "On Family Values and Protection of Minors" has not been registered in the Parliament so far. Accordingly, the issue will not be presented at the Bureau of the Parliament for the next week’s session - April 1st, as according to the regulations, the bill shall be presented to the Bureau if it is submitted before the Thursday of the week before the session of the Bureau. 

The parliamentary majority prepared two independent constitutional initiatives, which were signed this week. Both draft amendments to the Constitution and the draft constitutional law entitled "On family values and protection of minors" will be submitted to the Parliament “Against LGBT propaganda”. With the changes planned to the Constitution, Article 30 of the Constitution, which concerns the rights of marriage, mothers and children, will be edited. A new paragraph with the following content will be added to the mentioned article: - "Protection of family values and minors shall be ensured by the constitutional law of Georgia, which is an integral part of the Constitution of Georgia".

As for the draft constitutional law "On Family Values and Protection of Minors", it consists of eight clauses and provides for the establishment of a number of restrictions and prohibitions. After the initiation of the constitutional amendments and the verification of the authenticity of the signatures of the deputies, the process of public review of the drafts will begin, and only after that it will go to the committee and sessional review.

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