The leader of the "For Georgia" party, Giorgi Gakharia, spoke about Georgia's foreign perspective and emphasized the importance of the October elections in this context. According to his statement, if the perception remains among the citizens of Georgia that the elections were not conducted fairly and the country could not continue moving towards Europe, Georgia will remain only a part of the South Caucasus.

"The only thing that Ivanishvili could not forgive me for is that for me, the state and the country were always higher than his and the party's personal interests. Today, this country has a unique chance to finally get rid of the post-Soviet space, to complete the process of the national movement which the heroes started in the early 90s, and make this country a full-fledged member of Europe. I am sure that Europe is the space where we can create a national state. The key to it all, whether we like it or not, is held by one person. I believe that Bidzina Ivanishvili has made a serious contribution to the country, but what he can do or spoil is greater than everything he has done. He can put everything on the line so that he has no way back and no resources to ask for forgiveness. If Georgia does not become a part of the stage of accession negotiations together with Moldova, this country will remain in the South Caucasian context, and no one knows when our homeland will reach the goal where we will be able to build a national state. The key to it all, whether we like it or not, is held by one person. I believe that Bidzina Ivanishvili has made a significant contribution to the country, but what he can do or spoil is greater than everything he has done. He can put everything on the line so that he has no way back and no resources to ask for forgiveness. Along with this, this person was given an opportunity by God, and it is not by chance; it all coincides with the elections. The election is a critically important moment in the history of this country for the last 30 years. Either these elections will be held in such a way that there will be complete consensus among the citizens of Georgia that the elections actually reflected the will of the people, or it will remain in the perception of the citizens of Georgia that it was not a fair election. If the citizens of Georgia are left with the perception that these were not fair elections, if Georgia could not continue its path in the European direction, and Georgia could not return to the associated trio as a leading state and could not open accession negotiations, it means that Georgia will remain alone in the South Caucasus. In the South Caucasus, except for us, all states are achieving their strategic goals. Look at what Azerbaijan has done, and look at Armenia, which has freed itself from the post-Soviet past and is already competing with us in some European contexts. What are we doing? We are devouring each other, fighting one another, and the country is collapsing into chaos. It requires one thing: the people need a sense of justice, and all of this is possible. So, what is the biggest problem today? It is the disdain we have for each other, the polarization, and the radicalization... and all of this can be corrected with fair elections," said Giorgi Gakharia, leader of the "For Georgia" party.

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