The Georgian office of RFERL (Radio Liberty) has published information stating that the United States refused to issue a visa to the former Minister of Defense of Georgia, David Kezerashvili. To uncover the reasons behind this decision, the former minister, now a businessman, initiated a legal dispute and filed a complaint in the district court of the District of Columbia. 
According to the information from "Radio Liberty," "it is evident from the lawsuit that the basis for the visa denial was a decision by the US Customs and Border Protection Agency dated May 1, 2023, which was grounded in Article 212(a)(2)(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act." This provision outlines the criminal grounds that can lead to a refusal of entry into the US.
"The specific article cited for the denial of David Kezerashvili's US visa implies suspicion of money laundering," states the article by "Radio Liberty." The former Minister of Defense is demanding access to all information that prompted the visa denial. The lawsuit has been made public on the website, which compiles and publishes lawsuits filed in US courts.
Based on this information, it is apparent that David Kezerashvili submitted his US visa application to the US Embassy in Cyprus on April 4, 2023, and it was rejected on July 18, 2023.
By that time, it had already been revealed through a journalistic investigation by the BBC that Davit Kezerashvili was identified as one of the main figures in the fraudulent scheme. The State Department acknowledged the former Minister of Defense's request in the proceedings, but Kezerashvili hasn't yet received a response. The lawsuit was filed in a court in Columbia on February 20, 2024.

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