David Arakhamia, a deputy of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine and the chairman of the parliamentary faction of the ruling party "Servant of the People," states three conditions after which, according to him, the "normalization" of relations between Georgia and Ukraine will become possible.
"If we are really talking about normalization, then there is a plan for it: release our citizen Mikheil Saakashvili from prison and return him to Ukraine; stop direct flights with the Russian Federation, which the Georgian people also demand; stop helping the aggressor to avoid sanctions. In this case, normalization of relations will happen easily," said the Ukrainian deputy.
According to him, he is ready to talk to the President of Ukraine in order to normalize relations, but it is necessary to take steps that will be popular in Georgia as well.
"They are illegally detaining Ukrainian citizen Mikheil Saakashvili. Although we have tried to release him or exchange him, but after consulting with Moscow, which our intelligence confirms, they do not receive confirmation or permission to do so, and therefore do not allow us to release Saakashvili. This is a slow attempt to kill him," added David Arakhamia.
The opposition member of the Rada of Ukraine, Aleksey Goncharenko, also issued a statement. According to him, Georgia "will not be handed over to anyone as long as the country is ruled by the government that literally plays Russia's game."
"For the normalization of relations between Georgia and Ukraine, everything is simple - it is necessary for the Georgian people, whom we love very much, to finally get rid of people who are flirting with Russia. Georgia is no less affected by Russia than Ukraine; 20% of the country is occupied, and we must destroy this empire together. We don't need to ask anyone to join the war; they have made it a topic that Ukraine wants to join Georgia in the war. No one is going to do that. No one will hand you over until the country is run by the government that is actually playing Russia's game. We will not hand over to anyone, especially to the people who were named, because they are the best Georgians who, when the government in Georgia changes, will return to the country, just like the volunteers who are fighting in Ukraine today. Many Georgians are fighting, including these people, because they love their country, unlike those who make such statements," said the Ukrainian opposition leader.
In response to the Ukrainian MPs, the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, said that "when calls are made regarding Saakashvili's release, it is, to put it mildly, wrong and incomprehensible."
"I may have my views regarding people who, for example, addressed the Georgian society in Russian two years ago, but I don't want to enter into polemics with these people," noted Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze.


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