The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilia Darchiashvili, met with the ambassadors of the European Union and Germany, where, according to the minister, he "expressed the concern of the Georgian authorities about the visit of the former Minister of Justice of Georgia, Zurab Adeishvili, to the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the official delegation of Ukraine."
"According to the laws of Georgia, disabled people who are suspected and accused of serious crimes should not participate in similar public activities in our partner and friendly countries. In general, recently we remember other people who move freely within the European Union, against whom there are very serious charges. I think we should have had a similar reaction with our friend. It is unacceptable for us that people accused of very serious crimes participated in public events of this type, attended meetings held by our closest friends and partners," Minister Darchiashvili said after the meeting, although he did not specify the position of the European diplomats themselves.
The government of Georgia also published two statements on social media about the visits of the former Minister of Justice of Georgia, Zurab Adeishvili, in which it is stated that "the hosting of Zurab Adeishvili in the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany undermines the perception that the European bureaucracy is loyal to the idea of the rule of law". 
It also mentions that this event "directly contradicts the spirit of the first of the 9 priorities defined by the European Union for Georgia, which is to prevent the strengthening of anti-European sentiment in Georgia." The second statement released by the government of Georgia mainly includes an appeal to the Ukrainian government, stating that "it is not clear to the government of Georgia why the Ukrainian government makes decisions that aim to artificially separate two friendly countries and peoples from each other."
"We express our hope that the Ukrainian authorities will reconsider the decisions that are in direct conflict with the spirit of friendship between Georgia and Ukraine, between the Georgian and Ukrainian peoples. First of all, in order to normalize relations, it is important and necessary for the Ukrainian authorities to hand over to Georgia the criminals who currently hold high positions in the Ukrainian government," as stated in the statement of the Government of Georgia.

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