The President of Georgia, Salome Zourabishvili, spoke about the ongoing processes in Georgia and the country's European path within the panel discussion held at Chatham House. In her introductory speech, she noted that "it is in Georgia's DNA to be a European state. It was this goal that motivated the Georgians who declared the country's independence in the 20th century, and Georgia was in search of a European path after the restoration of Georgia's independence at the end of the 20th century." 
"Georgia's European opportunity - the title says everything. That is the opportunity I think that Georgia has been looking for as much and as long as it has been independent. It's in the DNA of Georgia, I think, to be European, to want to be European. It is what was driving the Georgians who were preparing for Georgian independence in the 20th century. All the founder fathers that we had were all European-oriented. They might have received education in Russian universities, but they were looking towards Europe and European models. One of the great fathers of the Georgian nation and independence, Ilia Chavchavadze, was looking at the model of Ireland. Others were looking at the models of Switzerland. So it was always westward-looking. This is what founded the first independent republic of Georgia after the long period of Russian imperial influence in the 19th century, when Georgia regained its independence in 1918. The model was not only Europe, but they forged a constitution that was, in many ways, well in advance of those in Europe at that time, on many grounds. Many of the things that we are trying to rediscover today were already there. The justice system was much more advanced. We wouldn't have needed any recommendations from the European Union if it had existed. There was a strong defense, and the entire Constitution was aimed at the defense of human rights and minorities, which was very important at that time", - said President Zourabishvili.
The President of Georgia also noted that "the continuation and support of Georgia's European path, first of all, implies the support of Ukraine. Otherwise, it will be difficult for countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova to continue on the European path." According to the president's statement, "the only way Russia can change is if it fails to win in Ukraine, and this is the only way to achieve peace and security."
"There is no way to support Georgia to help it continue on this path without first supporting Ukraine. This is a common endeavor for all Europeans and Western partners, including and especially the Americans. This is the primary objective for everyone because if Russia does not recognize its place as one nation among others in the international community and continues its expansion whenever it senses weakness or simply because expansion is in its nature, then will be no stability, no peace. It will be very challenging for countries like ours, Moldova, Ukraine, to continue on the path towards peace, stability, and prosperity. However, peace and security are the foremost priorities. Therefore, if Russia does not change, the only way for Russia to change is if it cannot prevail in Ukraine. This responsibility is shared by all", - She added.
After the introductory speech, the President of Georgia answered several questions. Among them was the Georgian government's "ambiguous statements regarding Ukraine and the West." According to President Zourabishvili, "the statements of the Prime Minister with anti-Western rhetoric have changed," although she is not sure about the reason for this. The President of Georgia also spoke about the question asked regarding the founder of "Georgian Dream," Bidzina Ivanishvili, and said that "this means responsibility and the need to answer to the voters for the decisions made."
"The informal leader has come back into the open. That means there is something they have to react to. He has come out openly now as the former president of the Georgian Dream party, which implies responsibility, something that was not the case before, and the necessity to provide answers to the public, to the voters, on the decisions that have been taken. So during the upcoming elections, that's what will happen; there will be accountability to the public regarding the rhetoric, decisions, and the success of that path, which is what the Georgian electorate expects and under that, I have no doubt. The best thing that can happen in Georgia is Polish model, where nobody is rejected from power, but where we have a coalition of forces that are clearly and probably open. This would mean the end of oligarchy because there would not be a one power. There might be different oligarchs but not a single vertical", - stated the President of Georgia. 
The President Salome Zourabishvili also spoke about the attitude of the Georgian government towards China and noted that "China is becoming more active in Georgia."
"China is becoming more active in Georgia. This has been happening over the past few years, but its involvement is increasing. We now have a strategic partnership. I don't know what it means, so don't ask me, but we also just received a visa-free regime with China. Beyond that, China is also active in Georgia in many infrastructure projects because it's cheap, not respecting many regulations in terms of manpower. This is also because our Western partners are less involved. It's likely that we need more engagement from our Western partners in large infrastructure projects. One of these projects, which is very important is the port of Anaklia. This is crucial because Black Sea security is probably an issue that should concern us all in the future. The Georgian coast and the Black Sea are essential to prevent Russia from having exclusive control over Black Sea cooperation and trade routes", - said President Zourabishvili. 

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