During her Sky News interview on February 27, Georgia's President Salome Zourabishvili expressed apprehension regarding potential Russian meddling in Georgia's crucial parliamentary elections scheduled for October 2024. When questioned about Russia's influence on Georgia, she emphasized that this concern should extend beyond Georgia to encompass everyone.  
"I think that everybody should be concerned, not only us. We are concerned because we are directly affected. We have 20% of our territory currently occupied by Russia. We are concerned because we are going to have very important elections in October, and we know the experince of many other countries much stronger than we are, how Russia can interfere in elections. Russia can wage hybrid warfare on countries, and we are directly experiencing cyber attacks and economic pressure. All kinds of propaganda, financing for some marginal groups – in Georgia, pro-Russian groups are very marginal due to our occupied territories and the lasting memory of occupation. Therefore, for a population like ours, having pro-Russian groups and parties is quite difficult to imagine. However, there are parallel pro-Russian groups that do not openly declare themselves, and there is incoming financing to support those groups and promote anti-Western propaganda. What we observe elsewhere, we observe here as well, and we anticipate more of that this year. Therefore, we must be very cautious." 
In addition, speaking of past Russian invasions of Georgia, the President also noted that in that context Georgia and Ukraine have almost parallel histories, and "our only perspective is to get closer and closer to the European Union." President Zourabichvili said Georgia was "looking first hand" at what was happening in Ukraine, but that she doesn't need to give Kyiv any advice on how to deal with Russia's invasion. 
"We have had an almost parallel history - in the 19th century Imperial Russia, in the 20th century Soviet Union. We have experienced all of that together. We have had the invesions and so we are on the same path, moving towards knowing our only perspective is to get closer and closer to the European Union. Our countries were the first associated trio, along with Moldova, and then the war in Ukraine accelerated this process, bringing our countries to candidate status", - said President Zourabishvili. 


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