The President of Georgia, Salome Zourabishvili, addressed the young people invited to the event held at the Orbelian Palace on the occasion of Soviet Occupation Day, stating that "it is important to remember the forces that fought against us on February 25 and the forces that are currently fighting against us." According to her own statement, for the upcoming elections, "we should be prepared for everything," including the activation of Russian propaganda.

"From February 19 to February 25 is the week of passion, and it is noteworthy that February 25 falls on a Friday. However, the most important point is that we overcame February 25, signifying that today Georgia is not only an independent and sovereign country but also a candidate state for the European Union. This achievement is perhaps the most significant victory. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that such victories may provoke reactions and new attempts. Therefore, it is crucial today to remember February 25, to reflect on the forces that opposed us then and those that challenge us today. We are now entering a challenging period as we prepare for the upcoming elections, which everyone emphasizes will be decisive for the next crucial step: the commencement of negotiations. Therefore, around these elections, there will be a miraculous battle of all those dark forces that do not want either the independence of Georgia, the sovereignty of Georgia, or the European identity of Georgia. Therefore, this election will be, in a way, "Europe, or not Europe" - this type of election, and we should be prepared for everything, including the activation of Russian propaganda, which we already see. For the activation of pro-Russian groups, which we also observe, they may not explicitly identify as such, but it appears that they are. There will likely be many of them, and it may not be challenging to finance them. The main message I want to convey is that you should be mobilized. This is your country, your future, and your state. You need to be mobilized, vigilant, and, most importantly, you need to fulfill your responsibilities. The mobilization of the people, especially the youth, is something that can effectively counter all other efforts. We should be prepared, but we should not fear anything," the President of Georgia addressed the students. 

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