The leaders of the ruling party of Georgia are increasingly and actively voicing the political message that the "Georgian Dream" will be able to achieve a constitutional majority in the parliamentary elections scheduled for October. Over the past month, the party leaders have been delivering this message, eight months before the elections:

Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister of Georgia, stated on February 6, 2024:

"Our goal is to secure the constitutional majority. According to the latest research, our rating is close to 60%, giving us a very good chance of achieving this. It is also important to minimize the entry of radical opposition parties into parliament. We have all the necessary resources for this, and we are in a very strong position to secure a constitutional majority in these parliamentary elections. Let me clarify - by constitutional majority, I mean 113 mandates, not 100 mandates."

Irakli Gharibashvili, chairman of the "Georgian Dream" party, stated on February 15, 2024:

"Our party must prepare for the elections. As you are aware, our stated objective is to achieve the best possible results in these elections. To accomplish this, we need to mobilize our resources and assets to the fullest in order to secure a resounding victory and strong outcome in these elections. I will reiterate our goal - our aim is to secure the constitutional majority."

Shalva Papuashvili, The Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, stated on February 16, 2024:

"The victory of the "Georgian Dream" in the elections leaves no room for doubt. Any survey will clearly show the position of the "Georgian Dream" and the "National Movement," along with all its factions. This data gives us the confidence to state that we are aiming not for 100 votes, but for 113 votes. The constitutional majority consists of 113 mandates. In addition to securing a convincing victory, the Georgian people will send a clear message to all, both within and outside the country, that they will not tolerate the return of Mikheil Saakashvili's regime. Therefore, it is crucial to unite the Georgian people and grant the constitutional majority to the "Georgian Dream." As we approach the ninth or tenth elections, the opposition has consistently claimed victory, only to be proven wrong by the Georgian voters. Once again, it will become evident where the Georgian people stand. In these parliamentary elections, the Georgian people should express that peace, not war, and economic progress, not economic disaster, are their priorities. Voting for the opposition equates to supporting war in Georgia."

Kakha Kaladze, Mayor of Tbilisi and General Secretary of the "Georgian Dream," stated on February 22, 2024:

"I want to underscore that the "Georgian Dream" is the sole political party capable of winning elections with a constitutional majority. As for the other parties, they will struggle to surpass the threshold," Kakha Kaladze remarked.

On February 20, the General Secretary of the "Georgian Dream," Kakha Kaladze, also stated: "No one has the opportunity to interfere in the elections, neither Russia, nor the European Union, nor the USA. No one has that capability. Elections in Georgia will be conducted democratically, as they have been in the past. Since 2012, everyone is aware of how we organize elections, and we will uphold this standard. All political parties and politicians will have the chance to conduct their election campaigns, engage with the population, present their views and opinions, but no country will be able to meddle in the elections."


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