The Ambassador of the United States of America to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan said that "the US is focused on helping to ensure free, fair, and competitive elections". 

"It is an election year in the United States, it is an election year in Georgia. Strong and fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy. So, when the US is focused on helping to ensure free, fair, and competitive elections, we are working closely with civil society groups, opposition parties, government party, and especially with the central election commission to ensure that Georgians know that their votes are counted fairly, their vote is secret and confidential and the process is free and fair. So I am looking forward to seeing Georgians exercising their democratic right in voting and Americans doing the same in the United States,”- said the Ambassador. 

According to the diplomat, Georgia and the USA have a strong strategic partnership in various directions.

"The US-Georgia strategic partnership is very strong and it covers a number of areas: security, education, health care, and also very strong people-to-people ties. One of our main priorities is to support Georgia's accession to the European Union. We want Georgia to be a member of the European Union. One of the first things I did when I arrived in Georgia was a visit to Brussels to discuss the status of Georgia's candidacy with the European Union. I am very glad that the Prime Minister's first visit is to Brussels, where he is today to talk about Georgia's EU candidacy. I hope that in the coming years we will see Georgia as a member of the European Union", - The Ambassador of the US to Georgia. 


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