The leader of the "For Georgia" party, Giorgi Gakharia, in his weekly interview on his personal YouTube channel, noted that "Georgian Dream" has adopted the simple principle, "If you don't agree with me, you are an enemy." In response to the journalist's question about the fundamental difference between the "Georgian Dream" back then and today, Giorgi Gakharia stated that the institutions lack substance.

"During these three years, for example, Misha Saakashvili returned to Georgia in a very original way. Despite making all kinds of promises, Ivanishvili had to come out of hiding and return to politics. If I had stayed, none of this would have happened. I am absolutely sure of that. The most important difference is what I felt then and what led me to take this step (resigning from the post of Prime Minister). Today, politics lacks substance, and this has been reflected in practical actions. For example, today we can say that the Constitution has been emptied of content. The balance of institutions no longer exists. The separation of government branches no longer exists. Today, the parliament is already devoid of content because it can no longer perform its supervisory function. The institution of the president has been emptied of its content, and for this reason, the entire impeachment spectacle was staged by the ruling party. The judicial system, as the main institution implementing justice, has also been emptied of content. The opposition has suffered a similar fate, as the collective "Georgian dream" is attempting to bribe opposition parties, in addition to all kinds of discrediting. In many cases, but not always, the expert community lacks independence. Media freedom has been compromised in many cases, but not universally. A different opinion is no longer accepted in the country, and is viewed by the ruling party as enmity and treason. They have adopted the simple principle that if you don't agree with me, you're the enemy, and that's the biggest difference. There is no room for dissent within the team itself. This is dangerous, first and foremost, for the country. While opposition televisions exist and are critical in many cases, without mutual exchange and discussion, they simply promote radicalization. The main problem is that consensus and compromise, as the main tools, no longer exist," - said the opposition leader.

According to him, there is currently a special operation underway to "empty the Prime Minister's Institute of its contents."

"Unfortunately, in the country, not only in politics but also in various fields, the money factor has significantly entered. Of course, this is a factor, and I am not talking about news, but the main issue is that in politics, the media, the expert community, and in the society that has a direct impact on our citizens, the role of money in forming an opinion and in their informed choice should disappear. People must not enter politics, the media, or the expert society to get rich. These are the areas where everyone should understand that we serve the citizens of Georgia. Otherwise, we will reach the point where the National Movement first reached and where, unfortunately, at the cost of my great disappointment, the "Georgian Dream" is headin straight. Today, the constitution, parliament, president, judicial system, and in many cases the opposition are devoid of their content. In fact, what is happening now is that a deliberate effort is being made to strip the institution of the Prime Minister of its content, and in the end, we have only one institution in the country - Ivanishvili. All this is concentrated in one institute - the Ivanishvili Institute. This poses a great risk for the country, regardless of what kind of genius he is," said the leader of the "For Georgia" party.

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