The leader of the "For Georgia" party, Giorgi Gakharia, during a weekly interview on his personal YouTube channel, began the conversation by recalling the day when he resigned from the Prime Minister's post. He noted that when making decisions, both in the government cabinet and in the political council of the "Georgian Dream" party, the majority shared his opinion and "an important part of the government" was going to resign with him. 

"I don't like to talk about this topic; there are objective reasons for it. Many people are interested in various details from the past life of myself and the "Georgian Dream". This is our common history, and whether we like it or not, it is also the history of the country. Therefore, first of all, I take care not to harm the country, and secondly, I don't need to remember or use the past, especially in the pre-election period, to achieve our goal. Therefore, I try not to digress because I have nothing to hide, but I do not gossip about the past, and I will try to hold this line. That's why I needed a debate with Ivanishvili, and I still need it today, and I'm impatiently waiting for his approval because there simply won't be any other solution. The situation is developing in such a way that they will have to. Where there is even the slightest possibility of harming the country, I will not do it and I will not use it; I do not need it. That night is ingrained in the memory of many people; many were involved. Today, the political leaders of the "Georgian Dream" are very well aware of what was happening, but discussing it might worsen the country's perceptions. I'll give you a simple example. I remember when conversations about that day were ongoing, many people scolded me, asking why I resigned and why I didn't dismiss, for instance, Gomelauri or some other minister. In reality, the majority of the government and the political council shared my opinion that night. They agreed with me on the steps I was going to take. Furthermore, after my decision to resign, a significant part of the government was going to resign with me. Instead of replacing someone else, I halted these actions and informed them that any such move would harm the country at that moment. That's how I viewed it then, and that's how I view it now. We cannot disregard the interests of the state and damage the country and institutions with our personal or political ambitions. Unfortunately, in the last three years, these institutions have been trampled underfoot," said the leader of the "For Georgia" party.

In response to the question, from today's standpoint, "were there resources to stay, because you have said many times that you were acting as a deterrent," the leader of the "For Georgia" party stated that the resources for compromise were exhausted for him.

"There was no longer a resource for compromise. I could not have become a mere servant; that would never have been the goal of my work. Therefore, I am confident that today, in the opposition, I bring much more benefit to the country than if I had remained in the government. Of course, it was possible, but at the cost of such compromises, all values and dignity would have been compromised. Unfortunately, all of this appears very clear now," said Giorgi Gakharia, the leader of the "For Georgia" party.


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