The chairman of the CEC believes that the arrival of international observation missions in Georgia will improve the observation of the election environment. According to his own statement, the CEC is aware that, in addition to OSCE-ODIHR, "other American and European organizations also want to place their missions in the country for a long time."

"It is important to send an invitation regarding the arrival of international observation missions. The state, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasized that the country is ready, as always, and this is not the first time that international observers have arrived. We will be as constructively open and cooperative as possible to provide them with all verified and objective information for the final provision of accounts. The arrival of monitoring organizations in the country significantly contributes to the implementation of certain preventions in relation to a number of issues, the strength of credibility in society, the support of democratic institutions, and especially such as the election administration. We only welcome their arrival in the country. As we know, an invitation has been sent to OSCE-ODIHR, and other American and European organizations also want to deploy their missions in the country for a long term, which will naturally contribute to the integrity of the elections and significantly improve the pre-election environment," said Giorgi Kalandarishvili, head the CEC. 

He spoke about the rules for staffing the CEC. In particular, the Parliament adopted a package of amendments to the Election Code in the second reading at the plenary session held on February 9, with 81 votes. According to these amendments, the position of the deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission, who is appointed from the opposition, is abolished. Currently, this post is held by Giorgi Sioridze, a member of "Lelo." In the absence of the CEC chairman and deputy, the CEC secretary will perform the duties of the chairman instead of the deputy appointed from the opposition. The acting chairman of the CEC believes that his deputy "has strengthened his political background, and the cancellation or retention of this post will not have an impact on the administration's activities."

"We have repeatedly seen that whenever changes were initiated in the election legislation, which is related to the rules for staffing the election administration, it was used for a number of political insinuations. Among them, to discredit the election administration and specific persons. This significantly damages the election environment. In general, it is important for all involved parties to unite in order to facilitate the electoral environment, to ensure that we put national interests higher than the issues on the political agenda and do not damage the activities of the current chairman and the progress of the institution with baseless and unarguable statements. The person currently holding the position of my deputy due to the opposition quota could not separate himself from party bias and became a member of the political council outside the entity that appointed him. He has strengthened his political background. In practice, we have observed that his involvement has not affected the progress of the administration's activities. Regardless of the form in which these changes are adopted, the political association will still remain a member of the commission and will have the same influence as it could have in the position of deputy. The presence of the deputy chairman or his non-racial status cannot influence the effectiveness of the administration's activities," - the chairman of the CEC believes.

According to his own statement, during meetings with leaders of political parties and non-governmental organizations, he did not hear tangible arguments based on healthy criticism and evaluation.

"There can be criticism, complaints, and dissatisfaction, but the main thing is what is attached to it as a basis - evidence, argumentation, evaluations. When the progress of the election administration is visible through its openness, transparency, constant communication with the public, our activities immediately become a target of discredit. This is done in order to cover up all of this, to create wrong perceptions in society, and with these wrong perceptions, society will come to mistrust the election administration and the demonstration environment, and damage the election environment as a whole. We could not hear any tangible argument based on healthy criticism, healthy assessment. It is also worth noting that most of the recommendations of non-governmental organizations, which were tangible and would be useful for the process, have all been taken into account, as well as recommendations of international organizations. We are still ready for open, constructive cooperation, so that in the remaining few months, if there is an open issue that worries the involved parties, political unions, society, we can sit down once again and improve it within our competence. We met with all political parties two weeks ago, we met with non-governmental organizations a few days ago, and within the framework of these discussions we saw that there are no essential concerns or essential issues that require additional attention from the election administration," - said the CEC chairman. 


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