Georgian and Ukrainian Presidents, Salome Zourabichvili and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, greeted each other and shook hands in Munich. 

In an interview with Bloomberg, President Zourabishvili noted that "on the way to EU candidacy, Georgia is moving forward primarly thanks to Ukraine, as the acceleration of the whole process would not have happened without Ukraine's strength".  

She also commented on Donald Trump's statement about NATO and said that "I will not comment on American politics as that would not be proper. But what I can say is that in the same way as Georgia has no alternative to European integration, NATO integration, I don't think that there is an opportunity for us to remain the biggest ally in a very strong alliance for the future".

"We're moving towards candidacy, of course, thanks to Ukraine in the first place. The acceleration of the whole process is due to the resistance of Ukraine, which has shown the whole of Europe that their security is linked to Ukraine and that Ukraine is fighting for security. This has really changed the approach to enlargement, and that is very important for Georgia. We have done everything, and the Georgian population has done everything over the past years to move towards Europe. We've had our share of struggle battling. We have also resisted; the Georgian resilience is a different character from that of Ukraine, of course, because of the dimension. Each time there is doubt about where Georgia wants to go, the Georgian population shows where it wants to go. So those are the reasons why I'm very optimistic. We're going to have elections by next October, and I'm sure that one of the results and the main result of the election, whoever is elected, will be the support for the European way, European orientation. That is what will get us further down the road towards enlargement, and hopefully opening up negotiations as soon as possible. That's our road, and I will support that road all the way, as much as I can and in all forms", - said President Zourabishvili. 

Regarding the question about NATO expansion and the current special situation, do you think that getting closer to alliance makes you safer, especially considering the situation with Ukraine, which shows that this is significant because it poses a challenge, President responded that "it is clear that within the NATO Alliance is a way to protect, and we don't yet know of any other way".

"I don't think so. That's not the explanation. The decision of Russia to invade Ukraine was not a reaction to something. It was an actual revolution. And I think that, of course, there is a red line that goes among the members of NATO, and Putin doesn't dare to cross it; this has been proven over and over again. And, of course, for the countries of the post-Soviet space - Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova - it is clear that within the NATO Alliance is a way to protect, and we don't yet know of any other way. The EU enlargement goes hand in hand with the NATO, and that is the orientation that Georgia has described in its own constitution", - continued President Zourabishvili. 

In an interview with Bloomberg, President Zourabishvili, when asked about the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and the health of jailed ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili, stated that "Georgia is not Russia".  

“No comparison. Comparison is no reason, and especially in this case. Georgia is not Russia. And I can only repeat that so many times. For what is this situation, this tragic situation with Alexi Navalny, if that is true if that is confirmed because his wife was just taking part in a conference right here, I think it will be disastrous and tragedy for human rights, democracy all around the globe. For the situation in Russia, it will only confirm what is a regime today in Russia but I think that for all of us around and in different parts of the globe it will be a tragedy,” - President said. 

Georgian President participates in the 60th Munich Security Conference (MSC), which takes place on February 17-18. 

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