When asked by Globalnews.ge how important it is to mobilize a large number of international observers for the planned elections in Georgia, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Seimas of Lithuania, Žigimantas Pavillionis, says that he is waiting for a corresponding invitation from the Georgian authorities. In addition, according to his assessment, today Georgia tries to sit on several chairs at the same time, "sometimes on the Chinese chair and sometimes on the Russian one, when they need to move to the European or American one," which is incomprehensible to the West. 

"We will be happy to observe the elections, but first we need to receive an invitation from the government of Georgia. I feel that they do not have a positive attitude towards me personally, although I do not understand why. If a friend who is kind and a fan of your country tells you that there is a problem, usually you should listen to such friends. Moreover, if the Georgian government had listened more to its friends, it would not have lost its position as a champion in the European Union and NATO. Today, we see that no one is talking about the issue of Georgia joining NATO. Let us remind you that not so long ago, no one was talking about Ukraine's joining the alliance, although it is being discussed more and more actively and openly. I don't think that the government of Georgia has any type of strategy, both in the short term and in the long term. Such rulers only have a strategy to preserve their own wealth and power. It can also be seen that they try to sit on all the chairs at the same time. Sometimes on a Chinese chair and sometimes on a Russian one, when they need they will switch to a European or American one. Guys, it doesn't happen like that. You have to choose and form which side of the barricade you are on. Talks that someone is trying to involve Georgia in the war, is this just frivolous?! We all saw how those who made similar statements ended, for example, what happened to Yanukovych. Lukashenko also tried to play the same card between the West and the East for a long time, but we can see where he ended up," - the Lithuanian politician said.

According to him, Georgia has an important moment, which must be used, otherwise it will take decades for Georgia to achieve its goal. 

"Georgia actually has an important moment, which it is necessary to use. The fact is that you are already late at the opening stage of negotiations on EU membership. Such a moment is of crucial importance for small states. Of course, in the end, we will be together, and Ukraine will become the strongest state, but why should Georgia be late for decades? Standing on the right side of the barricades, freedom, a competitive environment, and innovation have given us Lithuanians the opportunity to realize our little American dream. Today, we have one of the richest state. Autocracy and the desire to get closer to Russia's fence lead to the complete opposite: occupation. If Georgia is afraid of war, apart from NATO, can you tell me another alliance in the world that can protect Georgia's security? We have to celebrate the 75th anniversary of NATO in Washington. During this time, do you think waltzing with China is justified? I worry that Georgia may be decades behind in its goal. If you think that opening the door to Chinese money will enrich Georgia, you are on the wrong path, because this step may only enrich the pockets of a few people and not the Georgian people. The experience that we already have as examples in both Asian countries and African states speaks to me. Look at what they got from dealing with China. So, Georgia, show us, which side are you on? We love you and respect you; yes, maybe everyone makes a mistake, but not a strategic one, because it might cost the existence of your country," - said the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Seimas of Lithuania in an interview with Globalnews.ge.


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