MEP Andrews Kubilius, with, evaluates the role of Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder of "Georgian Dream," in the changes and decisions of the Prime Minister in Georgia and says that "the processes developed in recent weeks are absolutely opposite to what Europe expects from Georgia." 

"In general, there is nothing special about the changes in the government; similar things happen in different countries, including the central European states, so I can't say much in this regard. But in this case, it is more important to understand what the actual reason for these government changes is and how it is related to the return to politics of the famous Georgian oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili. His return to the party as honorary chairman and subsequent government changes show the whole picture that this was not a democratic process or a deliberate decision by the party. The dynamics of the development of the processes show that it was Bidzina Ivanishvili's personal decision, which means that the government and the Georgian Dream party as a whole are in the captivity of one person, and that person is Bidzina Ivanishvili. This is where I see the main problem of Georgia, and that is why the European Commission also demanded deoligarchization. The steps taken in recent weeks, firstly the return of Bidzina Ivanishvili and then the changes implemented by him in the government, are absolutely the opposite of what Europe expects from Georgia," - says member of the European Parliament Andrews Kubilius.

When asked what the West expects from Georgia as a candidate state, parallel to the political processes taking place in the country, the MEP says that "the role of oligarchs in the Georgian political system should be reduced".

"The European Commission, in the process of granting Georgia candidate status and the possibility of opening negotiations regarding membership in the future, very clearly mandated that the role of the oligarch in the political system should be reduced. One rich person with political ambitions should not take over the state. And now we see that again he decides who will be the prime minister and the minister in the government cabinet. This is proof that the role of the oligarchy in Georgia is not decreasing, but increasing, and I will repeat it once again, this is absolutely the opposite of what the European Union expects from Georgia," - said a member of the European Parliament in an interview with


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