During the annual report in the Parliament, the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, addressed the honorary chairman of the "Georgian Dream" party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, and noted that the main addressee of the public's questions "today is neither the prime minister, nor the chairman of the parliament, nor the ruling party, but the one who actually runs the country." The President asked Bidzina Ivanishvili a public question regarding corruption and the country's foreign policy. 

"The public has every right to hear from you: What do the words spoken on your return mean about corruption, about the country's foreign policy? The society does not know who you let go or why you are being brought back - are you letting them go because of the crime before the country or different opinions, or for other reasons that we don't know? As the society is waiting for a new European model of governance, it should also know and be told how and when you intend to move from a one-party, one-person, and vertical model to a democratic, European model. The society is waiting for an answer from you: When will you remove Murusidze-Chinchaladze from the court, when, on the one hand, you are fighting, or so you say, the National Movement, and on the other hand, nothing is threatening to its remnants," said the President of Georgia from the Supreme Tribune of the Parliament.

In his annual report, the President of Georgia placed one of the main focuses on corruption and noted that "elite corruption in the country has reached a new scale and that the appetite of the elite has no limit."

"Elite corruption has taken on a new dimension, demonstrating that the appetite of the elite knows no bounds, and, in fact, nothing is controlled and no one is held accountable. This is because elite corruption is the necessary cement that binds the trusted caste around monolithic power. They do not escape power; instead, they distribute the money. The deification and idolization of power is a direct Soviet legacy, characterized by its verticality, one-party rule, decisions made by one individual, gratitude, self-humiliation, and incrimination for survival, compromises, wiretapping and eavesdropping, clans, and subservience. I am referring to the Soviet system here. After independence, none of the governments were able to muster the strength and will to completely dismantle the monolith of power and restore the democratic balance of power. Power changed hands, another owner appeared, but the system was not and could not be fundamentally transformed. This system involves the concentration of power in one hand and in one vertical, using the court and all law enforcement agencies as auxiliary instruments of power. The judicial "clan" became the embodiment of this eternal system. Murusidze and Chinchaladze serve today's management team with the same dedication as they served yesterday's, and if nothing has changed, they will see a new owner tomorrow as well, to whom they will declare their loyal service," the president said.

According to the president, "this system is characterized by the desire to harass the opposition. The system does not need either a political rival or a critical opinion. Therefore, any alternative is automatically demonized, that is, it is labeled a traitor, an agent, a radical without appeal."


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