The chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Security Committee in the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Pavel Fischer, during the interview with, evaluates Georgia’s European path and notes that "there are many questions with the Georgian authorities about how seriously the reforms are being implemented". 

"In European negotiations, membership is subject to many obstacles and conditions. We are pleased to see Georgia on this path, but we cannot turn a blind eye and say, "You are our friends" regardless of conditions. There is conditionality, and we will be very tough on this matter. While we acknowledge and appreciate the willingness of the Georgian people to be part of the European Union, we have many doubts about the Georgian government and the seriousness with which they are pursuing the necessary reforms. We must be extremely strict. This is not only in the interest of the Georgian people but also in the interest of the European Union. I believe that this is an important path that we can embark on together, and the success of this journey will primarily depend on Georgia" - said Pavel Fischer. 

He stated that the elections planned in Georgia will be an important test because "we must ensure that they are held in free and fair conditions". 

"The election process is very fragile for any society, and we have seen many foreign interferences via social media platforms, as evidenced by recent events in Taiwan and during the Brexit debate in the UK, as well as in several European countries. It is crucial that these elections are free and fair, not only for the international community but first and foremost for Georgians. As part of the European Union family, we will closely monitor these developments and urge all involved to adhere to the principles of respecting the rules; otherwise, it will be extremely damaging for Georgia"- mentioned during the interview the chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Security Committee in the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Pavel Fischer. 




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