According to the Center for Media, Information and Social Studies, since November 28, 2024, 147 cases of violations of the rights of media representatives have been observed at pro-European rallies.
The Center for Media, Information and Social Studies releases information on the occasion of Journalism Day and notes that there has been a trend of interference in the work of journalists, cameramen and photographers, as well as verbal and physical abuse.
“While covering the protests ongoing in Tbilisi and other cities of Georgia, there has been a trend of journalists, cameramen and photographers being obstructed in their work, verbally and physically abused, and having their equipment damaged or taken away. Recently, there has also been a trend of fines being imposed on media representatives for blocking the road while covering protests. There have also been cases of journalists being harassed and fired for expressing a critical position.
The Center for Media, Information and Social Studies has documented 124 incidents of violations of the rights of media representatives at pro-European protests and/or in cases related to protests since November 28, 2024, during which a total of 147 journalists, photographers and cameramen became targets of repression. Of these, 24 reporters were injured more than once and had their equipment damaged, and/or were physically injured, fined or had cases brought against them. The police issued a financial fine of 5,000 GEL in relation to 17 journalists for blocking the road,” reads the information.
You can see each case in detail at the following link:
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