Foreign Ministers issue a joint statement about Georgia and express concern over the actions of the Georgian government, which caused the de facto suspension of Georgia's EU accession process.

The statement mentions that the scope and depth of EU-Georgia relations and cooperation are under threat.

The "Weimar countries" continue to call on the Georgian government to change its current actions.

In addition, the statement expresses concern about the aggressive rhetoric towards the European Union and its member states, the ministers note that the European Union will not allow Georgian government representatives to spread false narratives about European positions and policies.

"We, the ministers of foreign affairs of the member countries of the Weimar Triangle, once again confirm our support for the democratic and European aspirations of the absolute majority of the Georgian people.

We regret the actions of the Georgian government, which led to the de facto suspension of Georgia's EU accession process, as announced on June 27 by the European Council, which represents the heads of state or government of the 27 EU member states.

The negative trend has only worsened since then, with the worrying threat of reprisals, the entry into force of the so-called "Transparency Law" - which stigmatizes NGOs that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad and declares them as agents of foreign power interests - recent legislative changes , which limit the rights of LGBT+ people, as well as attacks on civil society organizations and independent journalists.

In addition, we note with growing concern the intensification of aggressive rhetoric towards the EU and its member states. The European Union will not allow Georgian government representatives to spread false narratives about European positions and policies.

We again call on the Government of Georgia to change its current actions. The scope and depth of EU-Georgia relations and cooperation are at stake.

We expect the Georgian authorities to ensure that the upcoming elections are free and fair and comply with the recommendations of the OSCE ODIHR, especially regarding the ability to conduct election campaigns in a free and safe manner.

We hope that the Government of Georgia will re-commit to implementing the priority reforms determined by the country's EU candidate status. We are ready to continue supporting Georgian society on the way to the European future. Our hand remains outstretched.

We continue to strengthen and support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders", - said in the statement of the Foreign Ministers of the "Weimar Triangle" countries - Germany, France and Poland.

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