Speaking to Globalnews.ge, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Seimas of Lithuania, Žygimantas Pavillionis, says that "there is a plan for the expansion of Eastern Europe", and on this path, Western support is a key issue for Ukraine.
"First of all, I would like to note that today we have an absolutely clear strategy - expansion in Eastern Europe, which includes the opening of EU membership negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. Also, we agree on cooperation and mutual assistance in the military direction, in particular, to rebuild the army and the defense industry. This is our plan, which we follow absolutely consistently. As for the visit to Washington, while completely insane people are trying to take over the world, a small group in Congress is debating whether to approve aid to Ukraine, a topic that should be resolved quickly by everyone. We are holding meetings in Washington for the second time in the last month to tell our American colleagues - it's time to wake up! Sometimes I have the feeling that we are living in the beginning of the 40s of the previous century, with the difference that if the same processes develop today, it will lead to the destruction of the world. The risk of this is really big," said the Lithuanian politician. 

Asked about the impact of the ongoing domestic political debate in the United States on aid to Ukraine, the chairman of the Lithuanian Foreign Relations Committee said that "any weakness or fear of escalation is feeding the beasts in Russia today."

"A small group of Congressmen on Capitol Hill won't admit that they may be unknowingly, but in fact, doing a good job for Russia. Just like Tucker Carlson thinks he can hear the truth in Moscow. When you get down to it, it really looks like an Armageddon scenario, doesn't it?! Denying its dangerous influence is, at the very least, harmful, and we can prove this by recalling a number of examples. We, Lithuanians have lived with Russia for centuries, so their language of lies is as clear and easy to recognize as the alphabet for us, but unfortunately, we cannot say the same about some Western states, whose audience the Russians still manage to influence. The scheme is the simplest. Today, the Russians realize that they cannot defeat the Ukrainians in battle, so they began to look for easier ways: to "conquer" NATO capitals and Washington with disinformation.
This process may lead to a dramatic result. That is why we try to actively share our experience with them. The experience of countries that physically know what it means to live under Russian rule. It is not at all an exaggeration when we say that as soon as Russia feels the weakness of the West, it will definitely invade the territories of NATO member states. Of course, in such a case, almost everyone, even those who are suspicious of the events today, will wake up and together we will defeat Russia, but will this be associated with the biggest loss! Why can't we act now and prevent the Kremlin's nightmare plans? Any weakness and fear of escalation feed the beasts in Russia today," said the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Seimas of Lithuania, Žygimantas Pavilionis, speaking to Globalnews.ge.


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