Moscow is preparing to host an inter-Palestinian meeting at the end of February, to which all Palestinian organizations, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have been invited by Russia.

Quoting Mohammad Shtayyeh, Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) at the Munich Security Conference, "Russia has invited all Palestinian factions to meet in Moscow on 26 February. So we will see: if Hamas is ready to reach an understanding with us, then we will be willing to cooperate. Should Hamas not be ready, it will be a different story..."

Shtayyeh also commented on the situation as of 7 October, stating, "Although the situation as of 7 October was catastrophic for everyone, we do not accept the fact that civilians had been killed. This is something we cannot accept. But we cannot allow the cycle of violence to unfold again and again. The Palestinian issue must be resolved. Now is the time to find a solution..." Additionally, Mikhail Bogdanov, Putin's special representative for the Middle East and Africa, revealed that "all Palestinian representatives who have their positions in different countries, including Syria and Lebanon, and other countries in the region, were invited to the event in Moscow."


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