According to the latest analysis of European Commission, EU funding received by Georgian ministries and other state institutions in 2019-24 amounted to 517 million euros, while the amount allocated to civil society organizations in Georgia was 46.1 million euros, the EU office in Georgia informs.

„European Union funding of 46.1 million euros included 47 projects implemented by more than 170 civil society organizations working in different sectors across Georgia: Human rights and gender equality - 8.6 million euros; democratic engagement and independent media: 8 million euros; business development and professional education: 7.9 million euros; promotion of security sector reform: 4.9 million euros; culture and creative industries: 4.6 million euros; confidence building for conflict resolution: 4 million euros; decentralization and rural development: 3.9 million euros; environmental protection and climate: 2 million euros; promotion of public administration reform: 1.2 million euros; legal and judicial system: 1 million euros.

More than two-thirds of the 46.1 million euros received from the European Union in 2019-2024 were intended for civil society organizations to help the population of Georgia and ensure access to services in such areas as support for vulnerable groups, vocational education, entrepreneurship, social services, youth involvement and community development, culture, implementation of environmental protection measures.

Among the 10 largest beneficiaries of EU aid in Georgia (2019-2024) are the following government institutions: 111.55 million euros - Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure/Local Governments; 101.40 million euros – Ministry of Finance; 62.75 million euros – Ministry of Defense; 57 million euros – Ministry of Environment and Agriculture and agencies; 5 million euros – Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development; 25.07 million euros – Ministry of IDPs from occupied territories, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Protection and agencies; 19 million euros – Government Commission on Migration Issues; 12.85 million euros – Ministry of Education, Science and Youth; 10.5 million euros – Ministry of Internal Affairs; 4 million euros – government administration; (The 11th is the Parliament of Georgia - 4.8 million euros)", - EU office in Georgia says.

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