The use of our country's name in a humiliating context by Irakli Kobakhidze further harms Georgian-Ukrainian relations. Russification, not the mythical "Ukrainization", is the real threat to Georgia, reads the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, with which the agency responds to the events developed in Georgia.

"We call on all interested parties to respect the right of Georgian citizens to protest peacefully and to seek a solution to the situation through constructive dialogue. Protection of citizens' rights and freedoms, as well as involvement of civil society in solving socially important issues, is a necessary condition for building a pro-European future of the country", reads the statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine also notes that the statements of the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, about "Ukrainization", against which the draft law "On Foreign Influences" is allegedly directed, cause indignation.

"Using the name of our country in such a humiliating context causes additional damage to the Ukrainian-Georgian relations. Russification and not the mythical "Ukrainization" is the real danger of Georgia.

Ukraine is interested in a peaceful and friendly environment in Georgia, has always firmly supported and continues to support Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders," reads the statement.

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