The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, has released a statement regarding the Russian law on social networks, noting that the "Georgian government has already established the European standard of transparency. Now is the time for non-governmental organizations and their donors to Europeanize, in which the law on transparency of foreign influence will help them."

"When you are in the right and do not intend to spoil anything, transparency and accountability are the best ways to avoid vices and mistakes. For me, transparency signifies Europeanness, while opacity signifies non-Europeanness. It is highly un-European to evade the minimum standard of transparency and refuse to publish an annual financial declaration. During times like these, it becomes evident that something is amiss and that there are things being concealed. I am confident that the new law will effectively shield donors from numerous inconveniences, such as inciting radicalism and polarization in Georgia by non-governmental organizations and the relevant media outlets funded by them, supporting revolutionary processes, falsifying parallel vote counts in elections, propagating war, spreading pseudo-liberal ideologies, it is linked to actions that undermine the national and religious identity of Georgia and attempts to weaken state institutions through disinformation. The non-European forces that have been lobbying for Georgia's rejection of candidate status throughout this period are attempting to cloak themselves in Orwellian absurdity, claiming that war is peace, construction is destruction, progress is regression, and opacity is Europe. When you view Georgian society as an animal farm and try to peddle a lie of this magnitude, it should come as no surprise that you lose even the scant trust you previously held. I will reiterate once more that, for me, Europe signifies transparency and accountability to society. The Government of Georgia has already set the European standard for transparency. Now is the time for non-governmental organizations and their donors to embrace European values, with the law "Organization Carrying Out the Interests of a Foreign Power" undoubtedly providing them with significant assistance," stated the Prime Minister.

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