The leader of the "For Georgia" party, Giorgi Gakharia, answered the media's questions about the changes made in the Georgian government and noted that "there is no content behind this process because "Georgian Dream" has emptied all institutions of content."
"Actually, if I told you I'm not interested, it would be a bit rude. Believe me, there is no content behind this because I worked in this cabinet. Unfortunately for me, during the last three years, "Georgian Dream" gradually emptied all institutions of content. Parliament was emptied, the president was limited, and the constitution was abolished. In the end, there was only one institution left in the country, the institution of the Prime Minister, which somehow functioned. Today, from what we see, the institution of the Prime Minister has actually lost all meaning. What does it matter, if you want to be honest, I don't even remember who this prime minister is and who he was. I have said it myself many times, this kaleidoscope must end. It is impossible for high political officials not to fully understand their political responsibility. It is not possible, for example, even today, for high political officials, not only prime ministers, I don't know, some people said that the honorary chairman determines who will be the minister. Friends, in Georgia, there is a constitution and a balance of power. In general, no one asks the party who the prime minister appoints to his cabinet. Putting everything upside down like that is dangerous because when the institutions in a country are dysfunctional, they can no longer perform the function of insurance, and basically, in the end, everything depends on one person. We all have to agree, whether we like it or not, unfortunately, it is my fault and ours - today, there is only one institution functioning in Georgia, and this institution is called Ivanishvili. All other institutions are functionally abolished; they are simply dysfunctional" - said the leader of the "For Georgia" party.

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