The executive secretary of "Georgian Dream," Mamuka Mdinaradze, said at a briefing held at the party's office that "targeted propaganda of a non-traditional lifestyle is what we are responsible for in Georgian society and its future." According to him, the ruling party has decided to prepare a legislative initiative that will "protect society from pseudo-liberal ideology and its inevitable harmful consequences."

"Georgian society has always been tolerant; however, Georgian society is not and cannot be tolerant of pseudo-liberal propaganda. We see severe trends in the spread of pseudo-liberal ideology worldwide. This propaganda is taking on increasingly crude forms. Most importantly, propaganda has dire consequences. International studies confirm that in a number of countries where pseudo-liberal ideology is particularly actively spreading, the number of people with a non-traditional sexual orientation among 18-25-year-olds is already about 20%, and in some places even more. It is worrying that this indicator has increased three times in seven years, and the increase coincides exactly with the period when this propaganda in this direction was particularly active. In 2017, we limited the legalization of same-sex marriage and directly wrote in the Constitution of Georgia that marriage is the union of a man and a woman for the purpose of creating a family. Despite this, we may be faced with the reality when we are asked to enact the so-called "Civil partnership" legislation. We already had such a case when there was a request from foreigners to introduce the terminology "men and women and gender equality," and we had to go through quite a serious struggle to deny it. Today, pseudo-liberals worldwide are campaigning against terms like mother and father, wife and husband, etc. They advocate for the introduction of "gender-neutral" terminology such as parent 1 and parent 2, etc. A logical continuation of this would be, for example, to remove the gender marker from passports. Every year in Georgia, there are attempts to organize the so-called "Pride" event, even though sociological studies confirm that more than 90 percent of the population of Georgia rightly perceives this as propaganda and opposes holding "Pride." Moreover, such aggressive propaganda has a negative effect on the protection of the rights of people of different sexual orientations. There is propaganda suggesting that children should choose their own gender. Some states have legalized gender reassignment surgeries and related medical procedures for children. Large companies, media, the film industry, etc., are actively used to promote this ideology. The pseudo-liberal ideology poses a serious threat to society, as confirmed by international studies. Therefore, the parliamentary majority believes that we should actively oppose this propaganda and utilize legislative mechanisms to do so. Accordingly, we have decided to prepare a legislative initiative that will protect society from pseudo-liberal ideology and its inevitable harmful consequences. The draft law will be prepared and initiated in the parliament in the next 2 weeks," - Mamuka Mdinaradze said at the briefing.


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