Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, has once again urged for the swift approval of a €50 billion, four-year Ukraine Facility assistance plan as part of the EU's mid-term budget review. This call was made during a press conference held on the occasion of the arrival of the College of European Commissioners in Belgium. Von der Leyen highlighted recent large-scale missile attacks by Russia on Ukraine, prompting EU leaders to initiate negotiations with Ukraine. She emphasized the urgent need for the EU to progress with stabilizing financial assistance to Ukraine, stating, "The Commission will present operational solutions to the European Council to ensure agreement on the Ukraine Facility. Belgium will then play a key role in swiftly transforming the political agreement on the facility through the Council and Parliament." Von der Leyen underscored the significance of the Ukraine Facility within the EU's multiannual budget revision, emphasizing the need for its completion during the Belgian presidency to facilitate the implementation of other political priorities. When pressed for more details, von der Leyen declined to disclose the specifics of the "operational solutions" but suggested their necessity in light of the lack of consensus on the Ukraine Facility, which was obstructed by Hungary during the last EU summit. 

Following the December EU summit, numerous leaders voiced optimism regarding the EU's imminent decision on providing financial aid to Ukraine at the beginning of 2024. Consequently, they reached a consensus to convene a special summit solely focused on this matter on February 1st.

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