The press office of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation has published a statement claiming that "the United States is preparing to organize a color revolution in Georgia." According to their claims, "Georgian pro-Western non-governmental organizations are gathering a large number of recruits to carefully observe the voting process."

"They are tasked with identifying and recording the necessary facts," reads the statement released by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, which also states that "it is planned to publish evidence of fraud during the voting, non-recognition of the election results, and to demand a change of government. Law enforcement agencies will be provoked to crush the protests by force."

"At the same time, the Americans are working in advance on options for a ruthless political and economic response to the "excessive" use of force against 'citizens' by the authorities. The ruling party, 'Georgian Dream,' may gain a convincing level of trust from the population in the October 26 elections, as the Georgian opposition forces, despite American efforts, remain divided, and the coalitions they have created are very fragile. This will open the way for the ruling party to continue its sovereign course and refuse to fulfill demands from the West that are against the national interests of Georgia. The Americans intend to massively increase pressure on the government of Georgia in the weeks leading up to the elections in order to weaken the electoral positions of "Georgian Dream" as much as possible," says the Russian side.

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